Obama Icon


Kimberly, my flickr friend, turned me on to where we could join the masses and turn one of our photos into an “Obama Icon.”  Seeing as Booh and I are dreadfully sick this weekend and are looking for ways to entertain ourselves, we clowned around and made a few, including this one of the two of us.  I asked her to come up with a word to post to the bottom and only “Love” would do.  We’ve been doing a snuggling along side all of our sniffing, sneezing and coughing … with love as our strongest medicine.  She’s my little love bug! –  Make your own at obamiconme.pastemagazine.com.

4 Responses to “Obama Icon”

  1. tonya lemos Says:

    i just discovered your blog!!! a day late and a penny short! Funny we just did the OBAMA picture thing…..nice blog
    chat soon -t

  2. icybooh Says:

    Hey T! Glad you found us … better now than never. 🙂 These Obama icons are fun! I’ve seen some really good ones around the internet. Can I see yours?

  3. The Magic Onions Says:

    Hi, I’ve been enjoying your blog… thanks. These Obama icons are lovely, so, um… iconic! I’m going to try to do one. Such a memorable point in time.

  4. icybooh Says:

    Hey MO – did you ever make one? Love to see it.

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